Saturday, February 29, 2020

Culturally compatible classroom and Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Culturally compatible classroom and - Assignment Example Instructional leaders can create culturally compatible classrooms by understanding how students’ motivation to learn is influenced by culture. If instructional leaders are able to know the role that culture plays in creating motivation, they can respect the various cultures of different students in the classroom. They can also incorporate the different cultures of different students in teaching and learning activities. By doing this, no cultures will be favored, and no cultures will be looked down upon. When students feel that their cultures are respected and incorporated in their teaching and learning activities, they will be more motivated to learn. Instructional leaders can also make it their duty to understand the cultural backgrounds of all students in the classroom. For example, in most title I schools in America, instructional leaders can focus on understanding the backgrounds of Asian American cultures, Mexican American cultures, American Indian cultures and African American cultures among others. By understanding the cultural background of each student in a classroom, instructional leaders can ensure that culture is used as the backdrop of learning and teaching. By doing this, students can be taught how to appreciate the cultures of other students, thus creating a classroom that is culturally compatible. Instructional leaders can also create culturally compatible classrooms by conducting teaching that is culturally relevant. This can also be supported by developing classrooms that are bilingual and focusing on creating culturally responsive classroom environments. The curriculum should also be made to be culturally respo nsive so as to ensure that classrooms are culturally compatible. Instructional leaders can finally ensure that instructional strategies are culturally responsive and

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Family and children's issues Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Family and children's issues - Essay Example Some of the countries that had deemed spanking as illegal are Denmark, Sweden, Germany, and New Zealand to mention a few (Legal Reforms). Professional organizations also oppose to spanking as a way to discipline a child; one of these organizations is the American Psychological Association (Corporal Punishment). They argue that resorting to physical punishment would not discipline a child but would instead teach the child to instill authority by physical means. In some parts of these countries and organizations’ argument, it is agreeable that other people should not do the spanking because the parents are the only ones who should spank their children. However, this does not give parents freedom to hurt their child whenever the child makes a mistake. The psychological state and values of the parents are a big factor and should be greatly considered in this issue. The state and the organizations should have first considered teaching parents how to be responsible instead of instan tly prohibiting this way of disciplining a child. It can be stated then that guarding responsible parenthood should have been the first matter that these countries had looked into. Responsible parenthood should be also be approached first for further studies and development by these professional organizations since it is the behavior of the parents first that should be controlled. After all, the parents are the immediate adults the children interact with and not the people from the state or from the research

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Technical Managers and the Law Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Technical Managers and the Law - Assignment Example Act (ADEA) and the American with Disability Act (ADA) also discourages retaliatory and punitive employment practices such as deluging workers with work and transferring older workers into a more intricate working environment among other unfair practices (Hayden 4). The laws also guide and protect the business from being sued by either the employees, the government or other interested stakeholders. They make managers and supervisors to effectively manage their employees. In addition, Customers are attracted to businesses that uphold workplace laws. Workplace laws can have a negative consequence for the employer. For instance, if the employer violates some of these workplace laws, it can lead to fines and penalties that will ultimately reduce business returns (Cihon and Castagnera 673). The employer may also be compelled to incur extra expenses in hiring extra staff that will ensure that the organization policies and practices are in line with workplace laws. No. Since I have never been employed before, I have not been involved or witnessed an unethical or illegal workplace law situation. I am still in school and not attained an age where I can be